Over the past 18 years, Shlomo has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals maximize their potential and attain greater fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.
Owing to his global impact as an agent of personal change, media outlets such as the Huffington Post and Bloomberg Radio regularly refer to Shlomo as “the Jewish Tony Robbins.”
To that end, every week, Rabbi Bregman makes himself available for a limited number of 1-on-1 coaching sessions with his private mentoring clients.

He is available to serve as your mentor — in business, dating, self-confidence, spirituality, and success — and can offer you highly-personalized, individual attention that will create breakthroughs and next-level results.
The experience of working with him 1-on-1 is similar to his YouTube videos, excepts that his answers and guidance are tailor-made for you and your specific circumstances.
You will conclude each mentoring session with Rabbi Bregman with clarity and action-steps, not fluff or confusion.
Your work with him will be completely judgment-free, and whatever you share with Rabbi Bregman will remain strictly private and confidential.
His current mentoring clients seek him out from around the four corners of the globe — from Hong Kong to Miami, and London to Los Angeles.
Sessions take place via phone or video technology (your choice), so geography is never an obstacle.

Rabbi Bregman is available for private consultations in the following areas:
- Growth Strategies for Your Business
- Staying Focused and Turning Inspiration into Action
- Discovering Your Passion and Finding Your Life’s Purpose
- Sales Training, Marketing, and Social Media
- Work Ethic, Self-Discipline, and Overcoming Laziness
- How To Develop Massive Self-Confidence and Social Skills
- Difficulties with Dating, Love, Relationships, and Shidduchim
- Tuning-Out Negative People in Your Life
- Job Searches, Help with Networking, and Career Changes
- How to Turn Your Vast Potential into Real-Life Results
- Parenting and Child-Raising Difficulties
- Parenting and Child-Raising Difficulties
- How To Stop Feeling Lost and Find Happiness
- Legal Advice and Business Law Growth Strategies
For more information, or to schedule a 1-on-1 Mentoring session, please contact him at RabbiBregmanOfficial@gmail.com.